Depression, health problems, heartache, loneliness, and financial problems are common issues that can take a toll on a person’s physical and emotional well-being. There is no question that the world is full of people who are facing enormous difficulties in life. Some people have given up and others are close to throwing in the towel. One thing is for certain: life can be … [Read more...]
Pursuing Your Dreams – Four Obstacles You Must Overcome
When pursuing your life goals, certain external obstacles may exist that prevent a person from attaining their dreams. These obstacles may include not having sufficient resources, dealing with a family crisis or struggling with an illness. However, there are times when it is people, themselves, who are limitations to their own success. Sometimes pursuing a dream requires a … [Read more...]
6 Reasons to Declutter
"Clutter is a physical manifestation of fear that cripples our ability to grow." -H.G. Chissell Your closet resembles a thrift store filled with racks of cramped clothing. Your furniture drawers are so full that you have to force them closed. You have multiple electronics and household items (working and non-working) that you are not using. You're renting a storage shed … [Read more...]